Dental Care

We understand the importance of
good oral health for your pets.

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Our experienced veterinarians and advanced dental equipment ensure that your pet receives top-quality dental care, from routine cleanings to advanced dental procedures.

Trust us to keep your pets’ pearly whites shining and their tails wagging with joy.

85% of dogs and cats will have periodontal disease by three years of age. That’s staggering!

Veterinary dentists now recommend the following preventive methods when it comes to your pets’ dental care:

  • Daily brushing of pet’s teeth – click the button below for a video demonstration on how to brush a dog’s teeth

    View Video

  • Annual to biannual evaluation of the mouth and professional cleaning – cleanings are done with pets under general anesthesia for complete care.
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Additional Dental Care Options

At Santee Animal Hospital, we understand the importance of good oral health for your furry companion’s overall well-being.

Bad breath is NOT normal in our pets. It means there’s bacterial disease hiding in the mouth causing damage below the gum line.

Talk to us at your next visit about what we can do to help and what will work best for you at home.

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Trust us to help maintain your pet’s health and happiness.

Book an appointment today with our dedicated team!

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